Millions of social ads from 21 countries.
- United States
- Germany
- United Kingdom
- France
- Italy
- Brazil
- Canada
- Russian Federation
- Australia
- Spain
- Netherlands
- Switzerland
- Sweden
- Poland
- Austria
- Norway
- Ireland
- Singapore
- Portugal
- Czech Republic
- New Zealand
Packed with unparalleled features.

Detailed search filters
Search by text, URLs, redirects (ie. "voluum"), demographic information, geographic location, type of ad, performance indicators, when it was seen, the type of device, and more!

Exact targeting details
Until now, you had to "guess" targeting based on who saw the ads. We show you the exact targeting! Example: "50+ year olds in Canada", even if one 60 year old female saw it.

Detailed observations
We provide extensive breakdowns; including timelines, when and how often an ad was seen, how it ranked, who saw it and how many times, the devices it was seen on, etc.

Interact with live ads
In our search results, we provide you with the actual ad's screenshot. Clicking through shows a local copy of the ad that you can interact with; including playing any videos!

Download landing pages
No more dead or cloaked pages! We store all the landing pages - including their dependencies like images, videos, scripts and style sheets - in a compressed file to download.

Landing page details
We visit each ad's destination link using methods to defeat cloakers, log all the redirects, take a screenshot of the final page, permanently save it to download, and provide stats.
Even more features worthy of mention.
Desktop and mobile ads
Our coverage spans both devices, and we can uniquely identify the same ad running across them to show you the cross-device variations!
Comprehensive ad formats
We cover every ad format; including videos! Our interface is extremely versatile by design to accommodate any new ad format immediately.
Permanent ads archive
We save a permanent copy of all ads and serve them through our own servers. Meaning, even if the original ad is deleted, you can still view it.
Instant, real-time updates
No more waiting for ads to be updated at set intervals! Our interface updates instantly with new ads. You can see ads from "seconds ago".
Link to actual ads
Want to see the actual ad on the traffic source? We provide the ad's link to you, allowing you to see up-to-date interactions such as comments!
Residential IP addresses
We visit the destination link using residential and carrier IP addresses, to beat any cloakers and show you the actual running landing pages.
Targeting overviews
You are provided an overview of the country, age, gender, ad type and device targeting based on the results of whatever you searched for.
Favourites and notifications
Like an ad? Save it to your "Favourites" for future reference! You can also receive alerts when ads are viewed with specified keywords.
Extremely fast interface
Our interface was built from scratch for maximum speed. All of your search requests will be processed within just a few milliseconds.
Why waste thousands of dollars testing ads blindly? For about what you spend on coffee, discover proven angles to start profiting within hours.